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8. Three-footed Natural Edge American Black Cherry Bowl

Price: $600 Sale Price: $500
Size: 14" x 7" Status: Available

8. Three-footed Natural Edge American Black Cherry Bowl

The wood for this bowl was taken from the trunk of a large American Black Cherry tree. The three feet were hand-carved from the base of the bowl; they are an integral feature and not glued on after the fact. The sides and the bottom of the bowl were blended together into a smooth curve once the feet were shaped. The blending was done with a succession of rasps, from coarse to very fine, and then the entire bowl was sanded smooth. Pyrography (wood burning) was used to texture and darken the natural edge rim. The grain of the bowl was popped with Tung Oil (a hardening oil) and multiple coats of shellac were used to finish and seal the bowl. This bowl is suitable for use as a centerpiece in your dining room.

Please contact me at if you wish to purchase this item.

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