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5. Ambrosia Maple Side-grain Bowl with Turquoise Inlay

Price: $400 Sale Price: $340
Size: 11" x 4" Status: Available

5. Ambrosia Maple Side-grain Bowl with Turquoise Inlay

This side-grain bowl was turned from the trunk of a Maple tree that had been extensively colonized by Ambrosia beetles. Female Ambrosia beetles excavate small tunnels into the trunk of the tree, introduce ambrosia fungi spores, and lay eggs to produce a brood. The beetle grubs feed on the growing fungus. The fungus stains the wood along these tunnels, resulting in the elongated and distinctive streaks of color that you can see radiating out from the center of this bowl. The bowl was rough turned, air dried for 6 months, and re-turned to finished dimensions. Some of the larger beetle tunnels were carved out and inlaid with sleeping beauty turquoise. The grain of the bowl was popped with Tung Oil (a hardening oil) and then buffed and waxed to create a soft matte finish.

Please contact me at if you wish to purchase this item.

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